Riding Contrast like…

How I have been riding contrast for way too long!

So, the more I listen to Abraham’s teaching, the more I understand we are here FOR the contrast. We aren’t here to lead perfect contrast free lives. I know, for me, I have spent most of my life fighting the contrast and then spending tons of time, after the contrast, regurgitating what had happened. In … Read more

Segment Intending – Esther’s NEW Focus!

What is segment intending? Abraham offers many processes that help you allow all the great things in your vibrational escrow to materialize. Recently, Esther has fine-tuned what works best when you are segment intending. The old focus of segment intending used to be on pre-paving how you wanted the future segment to unfold. Now, it … Read more

Being on the High Flying Disc – Abraham Hicks

H. It funny how the day day has painted the evolution of my thinking. A. That is co-creation at it’s best. Because you could not stay where you were. H. No. Thank god. (laughter) But it’s gone from higher to higher. What I’ve … Recently, I’ve firmly felt my hands on the wheel… the control … Read more

Tapping to Start Your Morning Off Right

Seems like the new year comes around and I am motivated to use EFT to move beyond where I was before. I have been watching many different EFT videos on Youtube, but love to fall back on my old reliable (and very pleasant to look at 😀 ) Brad Yates. This morning I tapped along … Read more

Faster EFT – Tapping on Abandonment

And here I am again, digging around in deep emotions that I didn’t realize were still active. I am finding the videos, that Robert Smith publishes to YouTube, HIGHLY effective, but sometimes you have to really dig to find the tapping. This video is titled “Secret video EFT Master Class” and has absolutely NO description … Read more