Watch Your Mouth (and Thoughts)! – How What You Say and Think Influences Your Experience

Have you ever stopped to ponder the sheer power your thoughts and words wield? More often than not, we find ourselves engrossed in life’s rapid pace, neglecting this profound influence. However, both Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction underscore that the language we use, both verbally and mentally, shapes our life journey in unimaginable … Read more

555 Meaning and Use in Law of Attraction

555 Law of Attraction

The universe communicates with us in many ways, often subtly but profoundly. Two such ways are through the Law of Attraction and numerology. The Law of Attraction suggests that our thoughts, whether positive or negative, shape our experiences. It’s about aligning our energy and focus with what we want to happen. On the other hand, … Read more

Prosperity Game Money Manifestation Workbook

Manifest Money & Abundance with Fun Law of Attraction Principles, Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping & Positive Prosperity Affirmations Gain control of your money vibration and start allowing money to flow into your life! Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Does your stress level rise when your bill payment dates approach? Do you worry … Read more

Segment Intending – Esther’s NEW Focus!

What is segment intending? Abraham offers many processes that help you allow all the great things in your vibrational escrow to materialize. Recently, Esther has fine-tuned what works best when you are segment intending. The old focus of segment intending used to be on pre-paving how you wanted the future segment to unfold. Now, it … Read more