Sometimes it’s as simple as saying and believing, “I’ve just got to trust the process. I’ve just got to trust the process. I either believe in what I am asking for or I don’t.”
It really is that simple.
I’ve just got to trust the process. I’ve just got to trust the process.
Because a lot of times, the specifics in the moment make it hard to trust the process. So you have got to do something about not focusing on those specifics that challenge your trust.
That’s the thing. Never ask a question if you think the answer is going to make you challenge your trust.
Never ask soemthing that is going to upset you vibrationally.
Now this is not a realism conversation, is it. There are a whole lot of people who would say, “Oh! I believe in telling it like it is and in facing the facts and facing reality.
So we say, “We believe in you creating reality. We believe in you CREATING reality, not facing reality.
And we know if you insist on keeping the faith and trusting the process…sometimes you have to be pretty darn general…
Keep going general!