There’s something magical about putting pen to paper and dreaming up your ideal life. In Ask and It Is Given, Abraham-Hicks introduces a fun and creative process called Scripting. It’s all about focusing your thoughts in a playful way, and letting the universe deliver everything you’ve imagined. Scripting is like being the writer and director of your own life movie – everything plays out just as you write it!
When to Use Scripting
Scripting works best when you’re already feeling good and excited about your life. It’s perfect for those moments when you’re ready to get specific about what you want to create. If you’re feeling emotions like passion or hopefulness, scripting can help bring even more clarity and excitement to your desires. It’s an easy way to tap into your creative energy and start directing the life you really want.
The Emotional Setpoint for Scripting
Scripting is most effective when you’re riding high on the Emotional Guidance Scale. If you’re feeling passionate, optimistic, or hopeful, this process will feel natural and fun. It’s not something to try when you’re feeling low – this is all about amplifying good vibes, not forcing positivity. The higher your emotional setpoint, the more effective your scripting will be!

How Scripting Works
Here’s the fun part – scripting is like writing a play for your life. Imagine you’re the main character, and everything you write about will unfold exactly as you describe it. The key is to let go of any doubts and just have fun with it. The more playful you are, the less resistance you’ll feel. Think of your notebook as magical, where everything you write will come true.
When you get specific about what you want, you send out a clear signal to the universe. And when that signal is free of doubts or resistance, things start happening! The details you write are like instructions for the universe, helping it know exactly what you want.
The Power of Focus and Playfulness
The magic of scripting is in its light, playful approach. You’re not trying to control every detail or micromanage the outcome. You’re simply focusing your thoughts in a fun way, allowing the universe to take care of the rest. The more you enjoy the process, the more aligned you’ll be with your desires. It’s a beautiful balance between being specific about what you want and staying open to how it shows up.
When you focus on your script without resistance, you create a powerful momentum. You’ll feel the energy building as you write, and the universe will start orchestrating everything to match your vision. The more detailed you get, the more you can feel the excitement building. It’s like you can sense that what you want is right around the corner.
Why Scripting Speeds Up Manifestation
Scripting is all about talking about life the way you want it to be, instead of how it currently is. When you consistently focus on what you want, as though it’s already happening, your vibration naturally aligns with those desires. And when your vibration matches what you want, manifestation happens faster. It’s like setting your life on a course for good things.
The more you practice this, the easier it gets. Over time, you’ll find that the universe is responding to your scripts in surprising and delightful ways. You’ll notice little signs that what you’ve written is starting to come true, and that’s when the real magic kicks in!
How to Start Your Script
Think of yourself as the central character in your story. You get to decide how things unfold. Start by writing about what you want as if it’s already happening. Include other key people, places, and experiences in your life, and describe how they fit into the story in a way that feels really good. You don’t need to get too serious – keep it light and fun.
Imagine it’s all happening, and let the excitement guide your words. You’ll be surprised at how quickly your energy shifts when you focus on your ideal life unfolding in front of you. And you only need to script once for each desire – once you’ve written it, the universe is already working on it!

Esther’s Example: The Magical Typewriter
Esther once watched a movie about a scriptwriter whose typewriter had the power to make everything he wrote come true. Every time the writer described a scene or conversation, it would play out exactly as he had written it. As Esther watched, she realized this wasn’t far from how the universe works!
When you focus on what you want and release resistance, it’s like you’re writing the script for your life. Everything you describe starts to show up in one way or another. It’s a fun, playful reminder that the universe is always listening to your intentions.
Tips for Effective Scripting
- Keep it light: Scripting works best when you’re having fun. Don’t take it too seriously!
- Feel it happening: As you write, imagine your life unfolding exactly as you want it.
- One and done: You don’t have to write the same script over and over. Once you’ve written it, trust that the universe is handling the details.
Scripting is such a fun way to tap into your creative power and focus on what you really want. It’s like directing your own movie, and the universe is your stage crew, ready to bring everything to life. So, grab a notebook and give it a try. You’ll be amazed at what starts to show up!