If you’ve ever struggled to understand how your body can heal and thrive naturally, Abraham Hicks offers a refreshingly simple analogy that just might click for you: think of your body as a swimming pool. Sounds interesting, right?
In their teachings, Abraham likens the way we maintain a swimming pool to how we can care for our physical bodies. We all know that a well-maintained pool stays clear and healthy with the right balance of chemicals – chlorine to tackle bacteria, and other chemicals to keep things in check. But what happens when that balance gets thrown off? Maybe you add the wrong chemical, trying to fix a little algae, and suddenly the whole pool is in chaos. Now, what if that pool were your body?

Trusting Your Body’s Natural Balance
Like a swimming pool, your body has an incredible ability to maintain balance – what Abraham calls your natural resources. Your body is constantly working to heal itself, whether it’s a cut that closes up or an immune system that fends off illness. But, just like the pool, when we over-treat or panic at the first sign of imbalance, things can go awry.
The truth is, your body doesn’t need to be drained and started over. It needs trust. Trust that, just like the pool, with a little emotional alignment, your body can come back into balance naturally. And here’s where Abraham’s message becomes so powerful: the most significant way to throw your body off-balance isn’t just through physical things like medicines or treatments (though those play a role). It’s your thoughts.
The Law of Attraction and Physical Health: How Your Thoughts Create Your Well-Being
At the core of Abraham Hicks’ teachings is the idea that the Law of Attraction governs everything in our lives, including our physical health. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like – whatever you focus on, you bring more of into your life. This means that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions about our health play a critical role in shaping our physical experience.
Many people believe that physical decline is an inevitable part of aging, or that illness is something that randomly strikes. But Abraham teaches that our beliefs and expectations around health are just as powerful as our beliefs about money, relationships, or any other area of life. If we believe that illness is unavoidable, we tend to attract conditions that align with that belief.
Just as the Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts and feelings about your desires, it also responds to your thoughts and feelings about your physical body. If you frequently worry about getting sick, or if you’re constantly focused on what feels wrong with your body, the Law of Attraction will bring more of those experiences into your life. On the other hand, if you shift your focus toward well-being, vitality, and strength, your body will reflect those beliefs.
The first step toward using the Law of Attraction to improve your physical health is to become aware of your current thoughts and beliefs about your body. Ask yourself:
- Do I expect my body to feel good, or am I constantly anticipating problems?
- How do I react to minor discomforts – do I see them as part of a bigger issue, or do I trust that my body will bounce back?
- What stories have I told myself about my health? Do I believe that my body is capable of healing, or do I assume that things will only get worse?
By recognizing these patterns, you can begin to shift your mindset. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, start paying attention to what’s going right. Celebrate the moments when you feel good, even if they seem small. As you begin to shift your focus, you will gradually attract more positive physical experiences.
One of the key teachings of Abraham Hicks is to focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. This applies directly to your physical health. If you’re constantly focusing on illness or discomfort, you’re inadvertently attracting more of those experiences. But by shifting your focus toward health, vitality, and strength, you allow the Law of Attraction to work in your favor.
A helpful practice is to visualize yourself already feeling the way you want to feel. Picture yourself energized, strong, and full of life. This visualization isn’t just a mental exercise – it’s a way to align your emotions with the feeling of well-being. As you align your emotional state with health and vitality, the Law of Attraction will respond by bringing more of those experiences into your physical reality.
Emotional Alignment as the Foundation for Healing
Abraham makes it clear that the most important factor in maintaining a healthy body is emotional alignment. We tend to look at the symptoms – aches, pains, fatigue – and try to treat them with external solutions. But according to Abraham, this is like treating a bit of algae in one corner of your swimming pool by dumping in more chemicals. You might resolve that one issue, but you’ve thrown off the balance in the process.
What if, instead, you focused on the emotional cause behind the physical imbalance? Maybe it’s stress, a belief in inevitable physical decline, or holding onto resistance. By addressing your emotional state, you give your body the optimal environment to heal itself. Abraham reminds us: “Your body has healing properties. Everything, everything, no exception, will heal. But you’ve got to provide the right environment for it.”
Using the Emotional Guidance Scale to Rebalance
A powerful tool Abraham offers to help with this emotional alignment is the Emotional Guidance Scale. The scale is a range of emotions from the highest (like joy and love) to the lowest (like fear and despair). By identifying where you are on the scale emotionally, you can make incremental shifts toward better-feeling emotions.
For example, if you’re feeling fear or powerlessness, trying to jump straight to joy can feel impossible. But what if you could move from fear to something slightly better, like doubt? From doubt, you might shift to frustration, and from there to hope. Each small emotional improvement helps realign you with well-being, much like gently adjusting the balance of chemicals in your pool.
The goal isn’t to force happiness, but rather to take baby steps up the scale toward emotions that feel a bit lighter and more aligned. Over time, these shifts can create the right environment for your body’s natural healing processes to work their magic.

Practical Tips for Emotional Alignment and Focus
Emotional alignment may sound abstract, but there are plenty of simple, practical ways to get started on the path to feeling better. Here are a few tips inspired by Abraham’s teachings:
- Start your day with intention – Before getting out of bed, take a few minutes to set the tone for your day. Focus on something that feels good, whether it’s appreciation for your body, the sunshine, or the coziness of your bed.
- Reach for better-feeling thoughts – When you notice negative thoughts, don’t try to force positivity right away. Instead, focus on finding thoughts that feel just a little better, as Abraham’s Emotional Guidance Scale suggests. Even a small improvement in your emotional state can have a big impact.
- Meditation – This is one of the most effective ways to quiet your mind and allow alignment. Even five to ten minutes a day can help calm resistance and open the door to clarity.
- Visualizations – Picture yourself in a place of health and well-being. Imagine your body feeling strong, energized, and balanced, as if you’re already living in that reality.
- Gratitude – Gratitude is one of the fastest ways to shift your emotional state. Take time to appreciate your body for all that it does. When you focus on what your body does right—even if it’s something small—you shift your vibration from lack to appreciation. The Law of Attraction responds to that shift by bringing you more to appreciate, creating a powerful cycle of well-being.
These small, consistent practices can help you maintain focus and create an environment in which your body can thrive. Just like in a swimming pool, when you add the right emotional ‘chemicals,’ like gratitude and trust, your body naturally finds its balance again, allowing healing to take place.
Journal Prompts and Affirmations for Health and Well-Being
Sometimes, a little self-reflection and daily affirmations can make a huge difference in your alignment with health. Here are a few Abraham Hicks-inspired journal prompts and affirmations to help you stay focused on well-being:
Journal Prompts:
- What emotions have I been experiencing around my physical health lately? Where do they fall on the Emotional Guidance Scale? How can I choose a slightly better-feeling emotion today, even if it’s just a small step up? What thought could help me feel a little more hopeful or at ease?
- How do I feel about my body right now? Is there anything I’m holding onto that doesn’t serve me? What is one thing I appreciate about my body today? Even if it’s something small, how can I use this thought to shift toward more appreciation and kindness toward myself?
- What beliefs about health do I need to release in order to create more well-being in my life? What’s one new, empowering belief I could embrace today that would help me feel more in control of my health and well-being?
- What are three things my body does for me that I can appreciate today? As I write down these things, how does my mood begin to shift? Can I feel more appreciation for my body with each point I focus on?
- How can I shift my focus toward feeling good about my health, even in small ways? What’s one simple action or thought I can choose today to help me feel better about my body? Maybe it’s focusing on a healthy habit or appreciating something that feels good physically.
- My body knows how to heal itself.
- I trust in my body’s natural ability to return to balance.
- Every day, I feel more aligned with health and vitality.
- I appreciate all that my body does for me.
- I release any resistance to well-being and allow healing energy to flow.
- I am strong, healthy, and full of life.
Using these journal prompts and affirmations consistently can help you stay connected to your well-being and aligned with the energy of health. Remember, it’s all about creating an environment that allows your body to thrive naturally.
Abraham Hicks on Physical Health Video – Swimming Pool Analogy – 2002 Workshop
Workshop Transcript – Click to Read
Here is an analogy that we think would be beneficial to understand relative to your physical body.
And sometimes it is easier to understand even than your physical body because your physical body feels very complex.
Think about your swimming pool and how you like to keep it in balance and what is required to do that.
So you start out with water and you add the balancing chemicals.
You put the chlorine in to take care of bacteria, but you have the other chemicals that keep the balance.
And if you keep it in balance then you can maintain that same water for a very long time.
Some of it evaporates, you put new in, but it is essentially the same water. It is this culture, so to speak.
Now think of your body as this culture and think about the balance of your body.
And think in terms of your body, like the swimming pool, being vast enough that it could deal with a little bacteria without having to drain the swimming pool. In other words, with reasonable effort you stay in balance.
But what if a condition occurs in your swimming pool that you don’t understand? Maybe there’s some algae growing or something or other.
And so you ask someone who does not understand the balance of your swimming pool to deal with it. And so he’s got all these chemicals and he’s not sure which one to use and chooses exactly the wrong one.
So it perpetuates the problem and now it’s even more out of balance and so now he thinks he needs to do more. So he puts more of that in. And now it is so far out of balance that it requires so much to bring it back into balance that you say, “Oh let’s just drain the swimming pool and start over.”
Only with your physical bodies you can’t exactly drain the swimming pool.
So what happens often with the chemicals and the medicines is that while they are proven to be beneficial relative to a piece of algae in one corner of your pool, it may not be the most beneficial thing for the rest of your swimming pool.
And so if at all possible it is so much more conducive to the environment of your swimming pool body if you can let its natural resources find balance.
And it is our promise that if you could find that emotional balance that you are reaching for
and not work so hard to reach for the other things any physical body could come back into balance with that understanding.
You are like a veritable chemical factory and the tricky thing about treating your physical body with outside resources is that, let us put it to you this way, we think it is amazing how well your bodies rebound even with the intrusive medicine that you offer.
In other words, it is sort of like really over treating your swimming pool and it still comes back into balance. And we are not talking against medicine. We are talking for understanding the natural healing properties of your physical body.
So what happens is you get out of balance just as your doctor friend said and as you understand,
you get out of balance through some other condition. Something that is happening in your life is what gets you out of balance. Then there is some condition that occurs and then you want to treat the condition with some chemical instead of going back to the cause that got it out of balance.
And the thing that is tricky about this, as your doctor friend said, is that sometimes you have been carrying it around for a long, long time. And while it manifests here and there, you do not make the association between that and this.
And we are not really big on trying to go back and pinpoint the association.
Although sometimes finding it and then finding a way of letting it go can bring about results.
But often your swimming pool gets way, way, way, way out of balance in the probing,
trying to figure out what it was process.
It is really easier to start right where you are today and just reach for thoughts that feel good.
But this is a big leap for some people. In other words, people have been oriented for a very long time. They have practiced those dominant thoughts.
There are so many people that really believe in physical decline. They just do. They believe in physical decline. And they look around for evidence that supports their belief and they find it everywhere they go, you see.
And so the only way that you can reorient someone toward health is by being a picture of it yourself as you are and by explaining how you think.
And sometimes it might be an easy way to say, well, it is like the swimming pool.It sometimes gets out of balance and the more you try to get it back into balance by doing the wrong thing, the more out of balance it gets.
And I am a believer, you might say, and just sort of backing away from anything too external and too intrusive and trusting the natural resources of the body.
Think about it. You can mention it to anybody.
Remember cutting your hand? Did your hand fall off?
Did it swell up and get bigger? Did it take over your entire body or did it heal?
You can’t keep aggravating the environment.
And so there are two ways you might be aggravating the environment.
The most significant is in thought. The next significant is with stuff that you are treating it with, you see. And what happens is because people are not willing to treat the thought,
then they keep reaching for the salve.
That’s why we tease Esther when she says, “What should I do?”
Feel good.
“Well, what should I dooo to feel better?”
And we say anything and everything you can possibly think of, but make it your top priority.
Very good.
Indeed. Good time for segment of refreshment.