The Placemat Process – Making Room for the Universe to Help

Ever feel like your to-do list is way too long, and you can’t figure out how to get everything done? Or maybe you’re just tired of doing it all yourself and need a little help. Well, that’s where the Placemat Process from Ask and It Is Given comes in! It’s a simple, fun way to let the universe handle some of your tasks – yes, really! This process helps you let go of the overwhelm and make room for things to flow easier.

When to Use the Placemat Process

This process is perfect when life feels a little chaotic and your list of things to do seems endless. Instead of pushing harder or feeling stressed, the Placemat Process helps you shift into a more relaxed, allowing energy. You can use it anytime you’re ready to stop trying to do everything yourself and start trusting the universe a bit more.

It’s especially helpful when you want to focus more on the things that bring you joy but feel like you’re buried under a pile of responsibilities. It’s all about giving yourself a break and letting the universe take care of the rest.

Emotional Setpoint for the Process

The Placemat Process works best when you’re somewhere between feeling hopeful and a bit overwhelmed. If you’re running out of steam or just want to hand off some of your stress, this is the perfect time to give it a try. It’s a great way to shift from feeling like everything is on your shoulders to feeling like you’ve got a team – the universe – helping you out.

The Placement Process

How the Placemat Process Works

Here’s how it goes – grab a piece of paper, any piece of paper will do. It could even be a placemat from a restaurant, hence the name! Draw a line down the middle of the paper. On one side, write “Things I will do today.” Keep it short – just a few things that feel manageable. On the other side, write “Things I want the universe to handle.” This is where you list all the things that feel too big, too much, or just out of reach for now.

The beauty of this process is that you’re only focusing on what feels doable, while letting the universe take care of the bigger stuff. It’s a bit like tag-teaming your to-do list.

Shifting the Vibration with the Process

As you move tasks to the universe’s side of the list, you’ll probably feel an immediate sense of relief. That’s the magic of this process – it allows you to stop resisting and start letting things flow. You’re no longer trying to control every little detail or push through things that feel hard. Instead, you’re giving yourself permission to let go and let the universe step in.

Here’s the thing – it’s not about the universe magically doing all the tasks on the list for you. It’s more about trusting that the right tasks will get handled at the right time. Some things might fall away because they weren’t as important as they seemed, while others might flow more easily than expected. The key is to trust that the universe knows the perfect timing, and your job is to allow that support to come in without forcing it.

What If You Have a Lot on Your Plate?

So, what happens when you have a long list and there’s just too much to do? The great thing about the Placemat Process is that you don’t have to handle it all at once. The universe’s side is there to help with the bigger picture, and it might not get everything done immediately, but that’s okay.

Sometimes, the universe helps by delaying tasks that don’t need to be done right away. Other times, things you thought were important might fall away because they weren’t as urgent as they seemed. You might even find that other people show up to help without you even asking! The point is to trust that what’s on the universe’s side will get handled in the perfect timing.

By focusing only on what you can realistically manage and leaving the rest to the universe, you’ll feel lighter and more at ease. Even if some things don’t happen right away, you’ll notice how much easier life flows when you’re not trying to control it all.

Esther’s Experience with the Placemat Process

Esther once felt completely overwhelmed by a long list of things she needed to do. She sat down with her notebook and divided the tasks between herself and the universe. The moment she did, she felt a sense of peace. And guess what? The universe delivered! People she hadn’t reached out to started calling her, things she needed help with suddenly got handled, and she found herself with more time than she’d expected. It was like magic – but really, it’s just how the universe works when you let it.

Why the Placemat Process Works

This process is all about shifting your focus from effort to allowing. By focusing on just the things that feel manageable and letting go of the rest, you reduce resistance. The universe takes care of what’s on its side of the list, and you’ll notice things flowing more easily.

It’s also about appreciating the ease in life. Instead of always focusing on doing, this process helps you find balance by allowing space for appreciation. You might find yourself placing things like “looking at flowers” on your side of the placemat. And that’s just as valuable as any other task because it invites more ease and good energy into your life.

It’s a great reminder that you’re not in this alone. The universe is always working in the background, ready to help – you just need to make space for that help to come in.

Practical Tips for Using the Placemat Process

  • Keep it simple: Only list what you genuinely intend to do today. No pressure, just what feels doable.
  • Trust the universe: Once it’s on the universe’s side of the list, let it go. The universe will take care of it.
  • No need to worry: Writing it down is your signal to stop worrying and let things fall into place.
  • Appreciate the ease: Don’t hesitate to include moments of appreciation or joy on your list. They’re just as important as any other task.

The Placemat Process is a fun and easy way to make room for the universe to help out. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you’re trying to do it all, give it a try. You’ll be surprised at how much lighter things feel when you let the universe take on some of the load. Plus, you’ll find that things have a way of working out better than you imagined.

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