Get Happy! – Abraham Hicks

Two Women Laughing and Having Fun

I loved this bit of the workshop. I don’t think I have ever heard Abraham cuss before, but it was extremely funny to me! 🙂 Ultimately, the message is to GET HAPPY! Track – “Focused on wanted, or unwanted?”Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Los Angeles, California 8/17/08 Transcript of “Get Happy” Abraham Hicks Video Have we made our … Read more

Getting Daughter To Clean Her Room – Abraham Hicks Quote

Abraham Hicks Workshop
Stamford CT 5/29/2010
Masters CD 2 Track 10
“Getting His Daughter to Clean Her Room”

Hot Seater: Alright, I’ve got one more. It might be impossible. How can I get my daughter to clean her room? Should I just leave?

Abraham: The conversation that your inner beings are having is your daughter’s inner being is saying “How can I get my dad to stop trying to control the uncontrollable and understand what is his business and what isn’t?”

And the profound, inspired answer was Keep a messy room. You’ll wear him down in time. He’ll come to understand that..that…because conditional love is “I feel better when your room is clean and I want to feel good so I’m making my happiness dependant on your behavior.” And this rebellious source energy being within is remembering “Oh no no no no noooo.

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You Are Worthy – EFT with Brad Yates

Way too many people go through life believing that they are less than or not worthy of things in life. Consider this your first step in getting back on track to believing that you are worth and deserving. Brad Yates is one of my favorite YouTube EFT practioners. Have a wonderful day!

Rampage on Allowing

This is the first video I have put together that features Abraham’s words. I really enjoyed learning how to use Vegas Movie Maker (which we attracted for FREE into our household 🙂 ). I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! Quote From: Abraham-Hicks – CD 2/2/08 Los Angeles CA CD … Read more