Watch Your Mouth (and Thoughts)! – How What You Say and Think Influences Your Experience

Have you ever stopped to ponder the sheer power your thoughts and words wield? More often than not, we find ourselves engrossed in life’s rapid pace, neglecting this profound influence. However, both Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction underscore that the language we use, both verbally and mentally, shapes our life journey in unimaginable … Read more

Getting Into Your Vortex

The Vortex - Abraham Hicks

If you haven’t gotten the new book by Esther Hicks and Abraham, “The Vortex – Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships,” I would highly suggest it. The book and the Audiobook both come with an additional CD containing clips from two workshops that had particularly awesome information regarding the Vortex. This is … Read more

Get Happy! – Abraham Hicks

Two Women Laughing and Having Fun

I loved this bit of the workshop. I don’t think I have ever heard Abraham cuss before, but it was extremely funny to me! 🙂 Ultimately, the message is to GET HAPPY! Track – “Focused on wanted, or unwanted?”Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Los Angeles, California 8/17/08 Transcript of “Get Happy” Abraham Hicks Video Have we made our … Read more