Abraham Quote: We’re all in this together

The appreciation that nonphysical feels for the physically-focused human who bangs around in the contrast for the express purpose of giving birth to a new desire which summons All-That-Is forward into the bright new place. And without that expansion, we would all cease to be. So you are not, and have never been, broken and … Read more

Abraham-Hicks – Appreciation, Gratitude, Tears and Pregnant Vortex

Abraham-Hicks Vortex of Appreciation Workshop
North Los Angeles, CA — 2/12/11
Masters Program Disc 1
“She is now pregnant with her desire.”



It is really wonderful to have this opportunity, to be with you in this way. Thank you Esther. Thank you Jerry. Thank you Karen, Mike, Barbara, Jeanie – all you guys are so kind and wonderful to me and I just want you to know that I appreciate you all.

And of course you don’t deserve it at all.

Oh – {laughs} I am so worthy and deserving.

When people are nice to you it’s because that’s your point of attraction, isn’t it.

Yeah, it is, exactly and many,many people are nice to me so I appreciate that so much, including you.

Abraham, we had our first conversation back in 2006 and many more since then. I told you in 2007, and any one who would listen, that in 2008 I was going to procreate. That year came and went and no baby.

Well you missed your window… talk about a stale desire. Tell us more – get really specific

{laughs} I hear you, I got a lot more for you.

I created a new mantra for the following year and that was “I’m gonna be fine cuz my baby’s coming in 2009”. And 2009 came and went and no baby. So in 2010…

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Be Moderate About the Vortex

Abraham-Hicks Vortex of Creation Workshop North Los Angeles, CA — 2/12/11 Masters Program Disc 3 “She is in love with everything.” So what we are getting at here with you, this has been a really good demonstration of energy moving. We want you all to just acknowledge that you are in the Vortex, at one … Read more

Getting Daughter To Clean Her Room – Abraham Hicks Quote

Abraham Hicks Workshop
Stamford CT 5/29/2010
Masters CD 2 Track 10
“Getting His Daughter to Clean Her Room”

Hot Seater: Alright, I’ve got one more. It might be impossible. How can I get my daughter to clean her room? Should I just leave?

Abraham: The conversation that your inner beings are having is your daughter’s inner being is saying “How can I get my dad to stop trying to control the uncontrollable and understand what is his business and what isn’t?”

And the profound, inspired answer was Keep a messy room. You’ll wear him down in time. He’ll come to understand that..that…because conditional love is “I feel better when your room is clean and I want to feel good so I’m making my happiness dependant on your behavior.” And this rebellious source energy being within is remembering “Oh no no no no noooo.

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